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Microsoft expression web 5 free activation code. 12 Code Lyoko Games: 12 Free games with the characters in Code Lyoko. Play now with Jeremy Belpois, Ulrich Stern, Odd Della Robbia, Yumi Ishiyama and Aelita in Lyoko's virtual world from your computer. Watch Code Lyoko Online: Watch full length episodes, video clips, highlights. To free William from X.A.N.A., the Lyoko Warriors must return to Siberia for Jeremie to implement his program in. Watch Code Lyoko season 1 episode 1 online. The complete guide by MSN. Stream now or download and go watch 7 days free Join now & get 1 month FREE Thousands of Episodes & Live News.

IFSCL - Trailer fangame 4.0.X
Posted by Immu on 12/09/2019 at 10:54(0 commentaires)
Hi Lyokofans!
The IFSCL (Fictional Simulated Interfaces of Code Lyoko) is back for a new trailer unveiling a new cycle, 4.0.X and it's corresponding new version: 4.0.0.
On the menu: improved programs, costumes of season 1-3, and first visuals of the story mode and its chapter 1 'Jeremy Awakens' !
As a reminder, chapters are fairly linear compared to 'custom game' mode, contains numerous cutscenes and dialogs (in 2D and/or 3D) with NPC.
Playthrough time should be between 5min and 20min depending on the player.
(Think about Immu's Room playthough time to which you would add a xana attack)

See you soon!

Code Lyoko Evolution on YouTube
Posted by Queen on 10/30/2019 at 06:09(0 commentaires)
Hi everyone!
Just a quick announcement today. Mediatoon finally has the rights to Code Lyoko Evolution and they've started uploading the episodes on the official YouTube channel. Because only one episode was ever dubbed in English, they've decided to keep the French audio and add English subtitles, rather than creating a new English dub. If you're interested in watching Evolution, now's your chance!
Episode 1 'XANA 2.0' is now available. If they stick to their regular schedule, new episodes should be uploaded every week.
[The official Code Lyoko YouTube channel]

That's all for now! Have a great day on

The findings of Dude Dudu - 2019 Edition - Part 1
Posted by Etienne on 08/25/2019 at 16:10(0 commentaires)
Hello everyone,
It's already been three years since the last findings of Dude Dudu were published. Three years of absence that have allowed us (through websites/portfolios that have disappeared, buying dubious merchandise on foreign websites or getting in contact with people who worked on the series in some capacity) to gather a small packet of findings along the lines of 'You want it? You got it' (Warning, excessive usage of outmoded expressions is dangerous for your mental health).
And as of today, for your great (dis)pleasure (choose the most applicable term) you can find a first round of findings right here on the site, and it's gonna be big.

Today we'll start with merchandise, and not just any merchandise: the video games. In particular, the second release for Nintendo DS: Fall of X.A.N.A.
The page has recently undergone a nice facelift, starting with the characters page. All the sprites have been added, including some findings: sprites that were never used, ranging from different facial expressions for each character, to William's 360° sprite which you can find in the Monsters section, which is another page that has been updated to look much, much nicer.
Finally, to wrap things up with this game, the music has been reuploaded in a much better quality than was previously available.
To discover or rediscover the new stuff in this file, follow the Lyoko Warriors!

Here's a new category that was recently polished with dozens of new bits of information: the DVD category! A few years ago this category was reworked to present the covers and menus of the different editions of the French DVDs, as well as most of the English DVDs and some Spanish promotional DVDs. Today, this category is updated once again to include the Italian DVDs, more information on the Spanish ones (thank you Beric) and finally, cherry on the cake, the Canadian DVDs! Oh yes, they published a brand new edition with new menus and covers for them. At the time, you could even own all of season 1 of Code Lyoko on DVD before it had been released in France!
The English DVDs page has also been updated with scans of all but one of the DVDs (we'll get you someday, season 1 Amazon release..) as well as DVD menus. Thanks to semie78 for providing scans and menus of the Funimation DVDs.
To access the page, follow the holographic card!

Big news! One of the elements that was never able to get its hands on has finally been found and can be published on our site: the collection of DVDs and booklets published by Altaya in some parts of France, a series that was prematurely interrupted due to lack of success. As well as allowing lyokofans to discover all the episodes of season 1 on DVD for the first time (even before the complete season was released as a disc set), this collection also provided booklets alongside each DVD, containing loads of new information like exclusive interviews or never-before-seen storyboards.
Today, I offer you a PDF of the first issue of this collection. Of course, the page concerning this DVD collection has also been updated on the site.
In this first booklet, you'll find (in French):
- A detailed summary of each episode with images and some original storyboard drawings from the prequel episodes.
- Information on the factory, the concept of towers, Jeremy Belpois.
- An article on supercomputers.
- An article on the creation of Code Lyoko in terms of story writing.
- An interview with Sophie Decroisette.
- A 'rumours' section looking at some emblematic elements of the cartoon, like Sissi's obsession with her appearance, Odd and Ulrich's friendship, and Jeremy and Aelita's love for each other.
- A colour-in page.
- Two riddles.
And even if you can't read French, there are plenty of interesting pictures to look at!

[The official collection: Booklet 1]
As well as the leaflets below:
Stay tuned, the next issues are still to come ;)
A Code Lyoko Evolution that we kept at hand (thanks Beric) surfaces again today. It's a promotional video completely dubbed in English (the same dub they used in the first video as well as in the episode they aired on certain channels (Rivalry, which was also shown to the focus group in France)). The video includes sections that have never been seen in English before.

And finally, to finish this update, the famous Renders section welcomes a total of 20 little new additions (well..not that little). Monsters, 2D renders and 3D renders, some of which are over 4000 pixels in height or width! But first, let's remember the copyright notice that goes with them: Code Lyoko ™ © MoonScoop/ France 3 / Canal J – 2006. All rights reserved.
Along with these, Aelita di Agostino, who you'll know for her AMVs, has provided us with new renders that were cut out of different scans or images:
And finally, thanks also to Queen, who you'll know for the huge amount of work she's done on the site, for these renders below:
And just an additional note from the translator, a couple of translation updates on the site:
- First, the Graphic Bible has now been translated into English. The page scans haven't been touched and are still in French, but you'll find an English translation of the text just under the image gallery on the Graphic Bible page.
- Also, the translations of the official comics were in need of an update, so they've been redone with better editing and lettering and more coherent English translations. Due to technical difficulties we haven't yet been able to update the episode gallery pages with the new translations, but you can find all of the new pages in the ZIP download on the comics page.
And there you have it! That's all for today! Stay tuned for more findings very soon!

ReBoot VS Code Lyoko: the file
Posted by Dudu on 07/27/2019 at 16:23(1 commentaires)
Hi everyone!
This summer, what could be more entertaining than diving back into your favourite TV series? Well..almost.. If you were reading the site news last year, you may remember a post referencing a new live action series with a synopsis that's pretty close to our beloved series: ReBoot: The Guardian Code.
More than a year has passed since this series came out on streaming platform Netflix and today, to celebrate 15 years of, Icer, Ikorih and myself, with the help of Immu, have concocted a little file comparing the various similarities and differences between the ReBoot series and Code Lyoko.
You can find this file online in the appropriate section, or just below.

As for us, we wish you a good read and we'll see you again soon for new updates about the series right here on our site!

Code Lyoko on Amazon Prime
Posted by Queen on 07/20/2019 at 02:10(0 commentaires)
Hi all,
Remember a while back when we announced that Dargaud had upscaled the episodes into HD? Well that English HD version has finally surfaced on Amazon's US streaming service! You can watch it for free if you have Amazon Prime, but you can't watch it at all if you don't have Prime. It's not even available for purchase. There's always the option to get a 30-day free trial of Prime if you really want to watch it but you don't want to pay for a Prime membership.

But for those of you who don't want to give any money to Amazon or its sleazebag CEO, allow me to try and ease your fear of missing out.
Code Lyoko was originally made in Standard Definition and not widescreen. When companies upscale old TV series into HD, rather than preserving the SD format, they sometimes choose to change the episodes to widescreen format because it's the format most media is in nowadays. They can either expand the shot lengthways, often giving us a view of things like filming equipment that really shouldn't be on screen; or they can crop the shot and sacrifice the top and bottom bits, often cropping out certain details. And Code cropped.

Top left: French DVD SD version (from the Episode Guide) / Top right: Amazon HD version
Bottom left: English YouTube version / Bottom right: French YouTube version
Click to enlarge

As you can see, the screenshot from the Amazon Prime version of the episode is pretty crisp in quality despite being a larger image and it doesn't have black bars on the edges, but the top and bottom is cropped out so that it fits widescreen format. While it's nice to see the episodes in better quality, the cropping means that certain details will be missing from the episodes.
The other versions also look slightly stretched vertically in comparison to the HD episode. Of course, this is just a single screenshot from one episode and you'd really need to see more episodes to make a better comparison.
(Note: The episodes on YouTube, both French and English, occasionally suffer from muted colours like you see in the French version here. Most of the episodes are fine but sometimes you'll see these muted colours, especially in season 1.)

Still undeterred? Then go forth and watch Code Lyoko in good quality!

Is this the definitive official HD version of the series? Will it pop up on other streaming services? We'll just have to wait and see!

Thanks to Michael and semie78 for the information and screenshot!

Official voices are back!
Posted by Immu on 07/14/2019 at 12:50(3 commentaires)
Some of Code Lyoko official voices are back! And for nothing else than the most ambitiours fan project of the fanbase!
As a reminder, the Fictional Interface of Code Lyoko Supercomputer (IFSCL) is coming soon with its story mode!
There will be the exclusive VA and VF of Aelita, Jeremie, Franz (FR not official for Franz), bits of secondary characters from the series, and some more vocal surprises.
The story mode is mostly composed of interface gameplay, interactivity / movement in the real world, 3D cutscenes without voice.
The '2D cinematics' with limited animation are all with voices but rarer (Jeremy and Aelita have about 300 lines between them on the whole story mode, it's not huge but it's already luxurious), as well as theaudio / video diaries (Franz Hopper and other surprises).
Without further ado, here's the update of the sequence 'FIREWORKS' already unveiled in 2018, and brought up to date in 2019, with cutscenes 3D without voice, and cine 2D with voice.

To get to know more about this version's progress and content: changelog!
To chat about it: discord
To discuss on a social network: facebook
If you're old-school, go for the longuest french topic of the forum

Code Lyoko Episodes Free Download Free

A new file: French vs English
Posted by Queen on 07/13/2019 at 05:10(1 commentaires)
Hi everyone,
It's widely known that when a piece of media is translated into another language, there can often be pretty big changes. Have you ever wondered just how accurate the English dub of Code Lyoko is to the original French source material? Well now your questions have been answered in this new file exclusive to French vs English!
In this massive file, discover all the differences between the French and the English versions of the episodes, from jokes that didn't translate well to differences in phrasing and the occasional translation mistake.
[Click here to access the file!]
Enjoy and have a nice day on!

A new fanproject: RTTP Podcast
Posted by Queen on 09/13/2018 at 07:00(3 commentaires)
Hello, everyone!
We're very pleased to introduce a fan-project new to Return to the Past: A Code Lyoko Retrospective.

In this free weekly podcast, three long-time fans revisit the show. American hosts Mary, Ben and David (and occasionally special guests, some of whom are feline) rewatch one episode of Code Lyoko a week and then dedicate an entire podcast episode to talking about their experience. Each episode is discussed in depth, jokes are made and fun is had overall.
It can be interesting to hear other peoples' perspectives on the series, and the RTTP Podcast proves to be interesting and entertaining listening. They’re currently up to mid-season 3, so there's plenty to catch up on if you've got some time to kill, and it's not too late to start tuning in weekly for new episodes.
For more details and links to where you can find the free episodes, click the link below!
Have a nice listen on!

IFSCL - 9th Anniversary Trailer
Posted by Immu on 04/14/2019 at 11:10(2 commentaires)

Code Lyoko Game Download

9 years that Code Lyoko's most advanced fangame is in solo development!
IFSCL is back today to celebrate its anniversary through a trailer, the most ambitious!
This time not centered on Jeremy's Interface, but more on all the visual part (3D) that will be essential to the story mode.
As a reminder, it will be a continuation of the original series, framing in the most canonical way possible to the events of the original series, including exclusive participations of the original actors of the series (French and English), recorded for the occasion.
It will also be an opportunity to introduce players in a less brutal way to the very rich mechanics of the game.

As always IFSCL can be downloaded here:
Interface Fictionnelle du Supercalculateur de Code Lyoko (IFSCL)
Cycle 38X is the latest downloadable version to this date.The 'room', a secret place revealing key moments of the future story mode and / or technical prototypes, will be unveiled thanks to a password in the coming weeks on all your social networks:
See you soon!

Code Lyoko Episodes Free Download Full

IFSCL 38X game's release!
Posted by Immu on 03/02/2019 at 20:32(3 commentaires)
The IFSCL is back! And this time, it's for the release of the 38X cycle.

It was about time to travel in the digital sea with the famous skidbladnir!
There's no Xana in there for now - that's 39X goal - but in the meantime, you'll have plenty to do with lot of functionalities you might have seen in the series, now glorified and enhanced in this fangame:
-moving the skid in the digital sea and over the surface sectors
-the use of hubs and their discovery
-the skid sea sensors when you reach a new replika, in order to unlock their entry with the cryptosmasher
-the presence of multiple mountain-type replikas on which you'll already be able to put a foot on
-specific codes to dock to replikas towers, just like carthage and its famous scipio code, more than ever, you'll feel like Jeremy!

Rendez vous on the download page, with a shiny new Kolossus!
See you very soon for a year full of IFSCL!
It continues right away on the 13th of April for the 9th anniversary of the IFSCL!

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